They have only the clothes on their backs and a cart filled with supplies from their homeland. View a Printable Version.Welcome to the world of Banished! In this city-building strategy game, you control a group of exiled travelers who decide to restart their lives in a new land. Are you still looking for the answer? PM me if you have any questions. For example, I love the "Little House" and the "Nordic House" but it doesn't say how many they hold as a family, 4 6? Joined: Aug Likes Received: 1. I forgot to ask if there's a list of all the new houses in MM and how many occupants they hold. I didn't realize the mod on Steam was so outdated. Thank you so much for all that information. If you skip that "entirely exit and restart" step, you'l have crashes when you try to exit your town to get back to the main menu super annoying when you're looking at all the different kinds of maps to pick what you want or when you exit the game after playing. Once the automatic reload is done, entirely exit Banished and restart the game to make sure the changes were correctly commited to memory and the mod is properly loaded, then start a new town. Then launch Banished, go to the mod menu, disable CC, check that the 3 Megamod files are in orderenable them, confirm the changes as you close the mod menu so that the game reloads. You have to get MM from here, and it comes in 3. It will seem to work until you produce or get by trade an item with a flag that's not handled the same way in the last Banished patch. Now for 3: The version of MM in the Steam workshop is seriously outdated. Going back to a pre-MM save of that town might work, but then again sometimes the game is a bit clunky in the way it handles saves, so you might have a bad surprise.
Removing MegaMod from a town that uses MM buildings, to go back to CC will crash if you have built things from any of the dozens of other mods including in MM. If you didn't build a lot of stuff from CC in your town, you'll most likely be OK, but if you have a large CC town, it's pretty risky. Joined: Nov Likes Received: Adding MegaMod on an existing town is a great way to cause crashes because while CC is in MegaMod, there's a few things that will be tuned slightly differently. If I add mega mod to my game, will it automatically be applied to any saved games I have that I open to play? What is the best way to add mega mod? I usually just add them through steam workshop. Now I'm ready to try the Mega Mod with it, but have a couple of questions.

I've been playing with Colonial Charter and love it.

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